Barracuda’s Garrison Jacobi hit the deck when the enemy opened fire, taking refuge behind one of the hastily constructed fortifications the company had erected along the docks. More barricades were still being erected along the coast. The first shots struck wide of their position, hammering the surrounding berg outside the base while only minimally strafing… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Adventure
The Sea Tower | Chapter 9
The Seamstress and the Wardrobe The square was deathly silent where a moment ago it had been as raucus as any midday congregation. Vendors, patrons, and passersby alike were immobile. They stood with baited breath, observing the proceedings in the harbor. The fleet of ships, for that’s what they were, appeared so suddenly. Those who… Continue reading
The Sea Tower | Chapter 8
First Contact The fuse was lit, the gunpowder caught, and the chamber erupted with a deafening roar. The resulting explosion hurled out a shot of superheated iron and lead from the cannon’s fuselage, which careened outwards at absurd speed only to crash against the outer hull of the galleon Legothica. A momentary clash of spells… Continue reading
The Sea Tower | Chapter 7
The Portcullis The Devanagari was a cursed ship. Beautiful, graceful on the water, both fast and lithe, it was quite literally made for traversing the varied oceans of the world. Helmed by Captain Archuleta, it had seen success across a range of battlefields, from the deserts of Hinterstan to the humid jungles of Uzu Nurui,… Continue reading
The Sea Tower | Chapter 6
The Gatekeepers Smoke wafted up from the grizzled and gnarled end of a burning cigar butt. Captain Archuleta worked the stogie around his chiseled maw. Taking another liberal puff from the aromatic cigar, he filled the deck with the pungent pall of ash and smolder. Expelling a sigh of sanguine pleasure, he groaned in satiety,… Continue reading
The Sea Tower | Chapter 5
The Gem of the Sea The Armada existed outside of reality, sequestered into a pocket of unreality by Mikhail’s magic. He saw polygons, dodecahedrons, trapezoids, and a strange milieu of unfathomable and unnamable shapes, all in assorted sizes, reflecting or refracting back equally extravagant and mesmerizing colors, hues, tones, and intensities of light. Connecting them… Continue reading
The Sea Tower | Chapter 4
The Town of Paper Lanterns Magic is fickle, and it isn’t. Not everyone can learn to cast magic, but anyone can learn to use magic. This much is true. In much the same way as Dalia’s father had become the town’s most esteemed baker, the man might’ve otherwise used his natural talents and intelligence in… Continue reading
The Sea Tower | Chapter 3
The All-Seeing Eye On the lowest floor of the most secured and well-protected building in Atreia, the most valuable possessions belonging to crown and kingdom were safely stored. Behind a large wooden door secured with iron castings, and within a stone chamber, the most important of those objects were housed, safeguarded by the strongest spells… Continue reading
The Sea Tower | Chapter 2
The Dogs of the Sea A bracing wind ruffled Brogan’s auburn hair. Errant strands of decorative braids hung loosely from where they were tousled free. He gazed out upon the sea, breathing deeply the familiar tang of spices carried on the breeze, then sought past it and beyond to the deep fathoms—the countless leagues of… Continue reading
The Sea Tower | Chapter 1
The Old Man and the Sea Jorgen left the comfortable warmth of his bed. First sliding his old legs out over the edge of the threadbare cot, and then following through with his own momentum. His back creaked as he stretched out the kinks that inevitably arose from sleeping on the thin hay-stuffed mat. But… Continue reading